"I want to go with Daddy, I want to pee in the urinal with Daddy."
He points to a sign across the restaurant, "What's that?"
I say, "It's Yuengling."
He says, "MMMMMM, I like Yuengling."
"Oh, really? Where have you had Yuengling? At preschool?"
"Yes, I had Yuengling at preschool. It's good!”
A-Girl's 4yo picks his dirty clothes up off the floor and often says, "It's Ben Kenobi, he went out of his clothes and he died!" Then, he laughs and takes them to the hamper. She can just imagine Ben Kenobi wearing red Power Ranger Pjs while he fights Darth Vader. :)
A-Girl dropped her cell phone while talking to her husband. She looked down at the mess-phone, battery and back of the phone- splayed all over the concrete and heard her 4 yo say, "Oh, no! Daddy, you're broken!"
A-Girl dropped her cell phone while talking to her husband. She looked down at the mess-phone, battery and back of the phone- splayed all over the concrete and heard her 4 yo say, "Oh, no! Daddy, you're broken!"
A-Girl arrived at the preschool, got the kids out of the truck, grabbed the 4yo's hand and swung the 3 yo up on her hip. He patted her shoulder, looked her in the eyes and said with a straight face, in 3 yo -ese, "I gave up...(garbled English)-ing, women and drinking last night. It was the worst 15 minutes of my life."
She burst out laughing.
A-Girl : Yesterday, (AFTER I totally LOST (Middle Child) and BEFORE the lady in the bathroom stall next to me apologized for laughing at what the boys were saying to me in my stall :) ) I heard myself say out loud to my 3yo and my 4yo, while at lunch at the CROWDED Georgia Aquarium, "Chill out, give Mommy a break. There's only 1 of her and, like, 150 of you." haha Yeah, it was like that.
A-Girl has been informed by her 4 yo son that when you eat too much food, "you become a girl."
A-Girl 's boys are dropping toys from between their legs and shouting, "Poop!" <sigh> She went to college for this?
A-Girl's hubby bought their three year old a Whoopee Cushion. Just think about that for a minute...."I want a BIG MOMMY FART!" Thanks, Honey! :)
A-Girl : "Shocky ta hot! Momma, I want to hear the shocky ta hot song!"
A-Girl is "chatting" with her 15 yo from across the kitchen table. Ah, me. Technology.
A-Girl- Note to self: Make sure (Wild Child) did not have too much milk and too many scones for breakfast before going shopping. Or it will, literally, come back to haunt you...in the middle of Target.
A-Girl : "Nascar Fingers"- The process by which A-Girl's kids run their cute little fingers along the inside edge of their cereal bowls and make engine noises.
A-Girl : "Napkin Head." My children put diaper wipes on their heads, run around the house, call out "Napkin Head!" and request to be hit on the diaper wipe with beach balls. They then laugh hysterically. Think Parker Brothers would be interested? :)

A-Girl 's note to self #15603: BEFORE postponing the kids' nap times and working your little fingers to the bone changing batteries in stupid little blue toy, check to be sure that the "on" button is switched "on" and that said stupid little blue toy actually NEEDS batteries.
A-Girl is frequently freaked out by arbitrary "singing" toys from the living room after the kids have gone to bed.
A-Girl :"Mommy! We don't want to see this! Fast forward it! Fast forward!" What is this terrifying, nightmarish movie preview on the boys' Curious George DVD? Why, it's Disney's 12 Dancing Princesses, of course. "Not the princesses!" hahaha Boys!
A-Girl is listening to her youngest "play" with his Goldfish crackers, one little Goldfish says to another, "Nemo, come back here!" Cute.
A-Girl : So, I was standing at the checkout telling one kid, "No, you will NOT get Tubby Custard AND when we get to the truck I'm gonna spank your butt. You have NOT been nice in the mall, today." The sales lady pulled out a sticker, stuck it on my arm and said, "AND, Mommy gets a sticker." hahahaha Guess my kids were driving her crazy too. :)

A-Girl hears a little voice from the back seat say this: "Mommy, you dirty,you broken. I gonna put you in the trash and I get a new mommy." Oh, feel the love.:)
A-Girl : "Mom, my tongue hurts. Kiss it!" Um, nope.
A-Girl 's note # 5,679 to Self: If (Wild Child) is "too quiet" in the play-car up in front of the shopping cart, it's because he's "stolen" an arbitrary item from the basket and he's eating it.
A-Girl hears a little voice first thing this morning, "Heeheehee Mommy, I fart on you!" Oh, joy.
A-Girl's two year old drug his wagon out to the steep hill, aka the STREET, in front of her house and let it go...with his four year old brother in it. <sigh> If she survives this kid, somebody, PLEASE, give her a very large medal.
(This "two year old," is the same kid who spent over a year in duct tape to curb his “Poo-Picasso“ tendencies and who excells at locking her out of the house…in her Pjs. But, somehow, those posts were absent from the que.)
A-Girl is thinking, again, of changing her name from "Mommy! Mommy! Mom! Momma!" to "Beautiful Woman." If she has to hear it whined ALL DAY, it might as well be something complimentary, right?
Yeah, I’m too old for this…
A-Girl -Sounds that make a mommy smile: "Hey, hey (Wild Child)! I like you, I want to play with you!"- Middle Child
A-Girl 's 4yo kissed her on the lips, hugged her neck, patted her back and said in her ear, "You're my best friend." Some days are SOOOO worth it!!! :)
A-Girl wants to know, what is the point of sending the big guy to his room for hitting the little guy if the little guy is going to go sit at the big guy's door and play with him from under the door?
A-Girl says to the 4yo, "Sweetheart, you don't have to take care of (Wild Child), Mommy will do it." He says back to her, "OF COURSE, I'm gonna take care of him, he's my little brother." :)
…and, I wouldn't miss it for the world.
I like the way you set this up!
ReplyDeleteIt was fun to see it all laid out there. My life over the last 6+ months. No wonder I'm tired. haha