Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hmmmm, It Won't Come Off

SOOOO, my neighbor has cats. Oh, my. That is an understatement. She has a herd. (They gallop, you can hear them. You think I’m joking…)

Kittens have been coming to visit us for a while now. Wild Child is in heaven. Where Middle Child came out of the womb sputtering, “Vrrrrrrmmmmm,” and loving all things with wheels and engines. (I swear he had a whole fleet of vehicles in there with him and rolled them all over my internal organs…I was so uncomfortable, that is the only answer!) Wild Child has always loved his “babies.” Every night, for a long time, he was nearly lost under the pile of stuffed animals in his bed. He has a favorite stuffed “Kitty” and a VERY favorite stuffed “Puppy.”

K-Man and I have been saying for a while that the kids, Wild-Child in particular, needed some real “babies.” At some point. That point is NOT now. I have a three yo and a four yo that I’m trying to keep up with. No, not another breathing, dirty-making thing is allowed in my house.
I said, “No.”

Apparently, the universe wasn’t listening. Or it was laughing in my face, ‘cause down the street came Smudge-the-Super-Kitty. He took one look at me and said,
“Um, yeah. I live here now.” 
He's not really that pretty (don't tell him, kay? Thanks.) but his little personality is awesome and the for-sure-she's-gonna-let-you-stay - he's VERY kid tolerant. You know that saying that you don’t pick your pets, they pick you? It’s like that.

So, the kitties (yes, plural!) have been to the vet and declared healthy which makes it official in my book…

I, obviously, named this one, "Smudge."  
To me, he looks like a white cat that someone 
tried to decorate with a graphite pencil and just got smudges all over him.

My audio-video freak of a husband named this one “Decibel” or “dB” for short. 
And, yes, dB are the correct initials for "decibel." 
I have no idea why 
- drives my English-major-brain nuts but makes perfect sense to my Engineer husband.

For the rest of us, this means that a decibel is 
a unit for measuring sound. 

("It's a power ratio... formally, it's a unit-less thing...
so it's like so many watts over one watt so 
the watts cancel out...blah, blah," my eyes just glazed over. hahahaha 
I LOVE him but he talks Math-ese. 
Actually, I find it very sexy I just do NOT understand a single word he says. hahahaha)  

Don’t tell our kids, they are busy naming these cute little babies after their best friends at preschool. :)

Middle Child surprised me with how much he loves the kitties.
Wild Child having a ball.


I just love this picture for 
Wild Child's fashion sense. 
It is truly stellar.

After the kids go to bed, 
guess what the parents do. hahahahaha
This is why we get two kitties. CUTE.

Right when I get sick of that litter box, 
I see something like this and it's worth it.
(He has an ITCH. I will remain in willful denial that 
Middle Child is picking his nose in MY sweet picture. hahahahaha)
Who am I kidding? I hate a litter box, they will be indoor/outdoor kitties.

My first cat picked me when I was 5. She walked right up to me, this little scraggly multi-colored kitten, on Ellis Street in Augusta, Georgia and claimed me as "her" human. Mrs. Ellis slept, curled up on my bed, for many, many years. 

Truly, in nearly 4 decades of life, I have found that everything you do in life is better if you're cuddled up with a cat. 

Yep, cats make a house, a home.


  1. What a cool story Adrian. They will remember those kitties for the rest of their lives...just like you have.....what precious memories they are making now. I LOVE the pictures! They are sweet sweet kids that needed sweet pets...so glad THEY found you. (the cats, not the kids..hehe) My whole life I've had cats and I can't imagine things any other way....they DO make a house a home. They're great company when you feel good and so soothing when you feel bad and need a "pick-me-up"....they are part of the family. So glad you have them.

  2. Every nap since, I go find them. I knew I was sunk when Smudge sniffed my nose. That always does it. Done. I own another cat. hahaha

  3. Thanks for the story and great pictures.
    Of course, we need a picture of you with them but you are usually the camera person. It's so much fun to watch kittens playing. Kade and Karson look so happy with them.

  4. Great story and pictures. It looks like the kiddies are adapting well to the kitties and really enjoying them. Cats are so much fun each with their own personality. I'm sure you'll have many more stories as time goes on.

  5. I'm just learning about this blog stuff. I forgot that quite a while ago I signed up for a blog on Google as gghiker. Maybe I'll have to learn how to use it now.


  6. Thanks everybody! The kitties are with me in the kitchen right now, looking for something naughty to get into. hahahaa

    Gloria, it's not hard at all.
