Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Yep, It's Been a Year

And, what a year it's been. A lot has happened.

So far, I've LOVED 40.  35 tried to kill me but 40 and I not only made friends but we've often "played well" together.

Seeing as how I will be ( <glances down at clock on computer> oh, good gawd! I'm ALREADY) 41, soon. Let me tell you that the most amazing and excruciatingly HARD thing that we've done during my 40th year of life was to begin proceedings to adopt a little girl from China. We're waiting (and waiting and waiting) on LOA. Yes, adoption comes with a lingo all it's own -one that I can't remember most of the time. International adoption is a vast crazy-making basket of rules and weird regulations and complicated processes that go by initials, often written all in CAPS, and... <sigh>.

Anyway, if you're just dying to find out what LOA means OR you're one of the very sweet people from our local Families with Chinese Children group who have been NAGGING (not really, but they did put me "over the top" about starting this blog) us to start an adoption blog so that you can live vicariously through us (and laugh AT us as we revisit the same mistakes that you made while in China) as we finish up this LONG process and finally head to China to pick up our precious bundle OR you're a friend/family member from social media/real life who has not gotten WAY tired (really?) of hearing me GO ON about this process...then join me over at Listening for Lyric to continue the fun. (Seriously, I've BEEN 40, this blog has to die.)

My 41st birthday cake. Yuuuuum!
(The morning of my birthday party K-Man told me,
"Wow. I know DIRT younger than you."
He may have to die, as well.)

PS I'll have to change the "About Me" which will change it on this page, also (yeah, can't figure out how NOT to do that) and become really confusing for anyone who does not join us at the new address. You were warned.

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