Thursday, February 24, 2011

You Want Me to Put WHAT in That Cup?

I pulled out of the driveway at 2am early this morning and pulled back in, 8 hours later, at 10:15am.  After two bags of IV fluids, a chest x-ray, blood work, a breathing treatment and an EKG, I was told,
“Everything came back normal except that flu test which popped up positive. Go home and lie on your butt until the end of the weekend. There’s not much else we can do.”   
My doctor also looked at me, at one point, and said,
“You don’t look like you’re about to turn forty.”
I guess I should feel flattered. Not so much. I’d take a lot less snot and fewer body aches NOT to have heard those charming words. <sigh> I am sick. Seriously mucho sicko!

I am also disappointed.  I don’t know what K-Man had planned for my birthday but it was a surprise something that included my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law/friend/first-cousin  (yes, she's all those things, it's seriously old-school weird South, I know) coming to my house all the way from Alabama to bring me one of her fabulous signature cakes. <sigh>  I was looking so forward to it. I’ve spent months looking forward to it.

Forty only comes around once and I’m going to be fighting off a virus right when I should be celebrating. We have to tell them. I can not let them run the risk of catching this dreaded and nasty flu. This is crappy. I have visions of not telling them, of just letting them show-up and I’ll attempt “Fun A-Girl,” while feeling like “Yucky A-Girl,” but that would be a lot like yelling out,

         “Surprise, it’s my birthday! And, for my birthday I’m giving you...the flu!!!

Can’t do it. <sigh>  Looks like this blog (as well as my 40th) is gonna end with a whimper instead of a roar.


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